As we set up camp for our annual fishing trip with buddies (now expanded to families) we’ve gathered with for over 15 years, we are reminded of how small we are in this great state of Montana. All is quiet as I walk our dog up to meet the girls and Matt at the “Fort” they had been diligently working on all weekend (used to be marathon fishing sessions lasting past dark…funny how priorities change).
The Fort was definitely worth the walk, but the gigantic Moose sauntering by in the field next to us was quite awe-inspiring as well. As we paused to respect the massiveness of this creature, it reminded me of last year’s trip in the same spot when 2 adult Moose came trampling through our camp between the girls and us (and WAY too close for my liking). Every time a Moose is mentioned, the girls launch into the animated story of the “the-time-we-were-almost-trampled-by-FOUR-Moose” (I think they add another each time the story is conveyed). It is stories like these as we head into hunting season, that makes me think mementos and reminders of those (possibly) once-in-a-lifetime events are lovely to catch. The day of the Moose-Trampling I did not have my camera ready, but I did have Matt make me a Thermal with a Moose-relief that we get out and enjoy each Fall to commemorate those Moose and many more Fishing, Hunting and Gathering times in the future.
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